August 7th: A Day in American History

August 7th: A Day in American History

Aug 07, 2023

Introduction to my post about August 7th.

I'm doing it again, a short and fun post sharing things that happened in our American history... on a random day.

Because why? It could lead to so many more ideas, questions, and in general... history-nerd happiness.

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Historical summary of August 7th, in my hobby-blogger way.

1742- Revolutionary and patriot Nathaniel Greene was born. He shared a birthday with both "Billie" Burke - the Good Witch Glinda of the Wizard of Oz, born in 1884 and Garrison Keeler born in 1942 (another childhood memory about my dad!)

1782- George Washington orders the creation of the "Badge of Military Merit" - now known as the Purple Heart.

1912- Teddy Roosevelt was nominated as the Bull Moose candidate.

1957- Oliver Hardy, actor and half of the duo Laurel and Hardy passes away. In 2021, "Christine" from the TV Series Night Court, Markie Post, loses her battle with cancer. Both were talents I loved to watch!

1959- The U.S. gets their first satellite image of earth. Simply amazing. Because space is as cool as history.

1970- Christine McVie joins the iconic American band Fleetwood Mac.

1998- U.S. embassies in 2 East African cities are bombed.

And a side note: the next day, August 8th, marked President Nixon's resignation in 1974.

soldiers uniform for revolutionary war

Military uniform- Revolutionary era, CW tailor shop.

And closing it out with what's becoming my little tradition, words from history on this day.

A letter you can see in full, with citations, by clicking here. Topic: Jefferson writing about a wine shipment. Enjoy!

From Thomas Jefferson to Achard Frères, 7 August 1786

To Achard Frères

Paris August 7. 1786.


I have been duly honored with your favor of the 2d. instant, and thank you for your attention to the wine forwarded for me by Messrs. le freres Roussac. I expect every moment to receive a proper order to the Douane of Rouen to permit these wines to pass on to Paris free of duty, which order shall accompany this letter, or be sent directly to the officers of the Douane at Rouen. I will beg the favour of you to forward the wine by water, addressed to me at Paris at the grille des champs elysées, notifying me of any expence you may incur which shall be paid to your order. I have the honour to be with sentiments of much esteem Gentlemen your most obedient humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

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There is a huge practical disclaimer to the content on this blog, which is my way of sharing my excitement and basically journaling online.

1) I am not a historian nor an expert. I will let you know I’m relaying the information as I understand and interpret it. The employees of Colonial Williamsburg base their presentations, work, and responses on historical documents and mainly primary sources.

2) I will update for accuracy as history is constant learning. If you have a question about accuracy, please ask me! I will get the answer from the best source I can find.

3) Photo credit to me, Daphne Reznik, for all photos in this post, unless otherwise credited! All photos are personal photos taken in public access locations or with specific permission.