September 27th in American History: A Look Back During Hurricane Helene

September 27th in American History: A Look Back During Hurricane Helene

Sep 27, 2024

Notes about September 27th in American history.

I woke up at such a ridiculous hour this morning, I cannot even bring myself to share the numbers on the clock with y'all. So I decided to check what's happening with Hurricane Helene and brew some coffee. And as Helene frighteningly marks this date for 2024, it moved me to look back on other events that took place on September 27th in American history.

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Courthouse, Colonial Williamsburg

Historical summary of September 27th.

As you know if you've kept up with "this day in history" posts on this blog, I love lists. And bullet points. But please use the links if anything catches your eye and you want to dive deeper.

  • 1722- Massachusetts delegate to the Continental Congress and signer of the Declaration of Independence Samuel Adams was born. He later became Governor of his home state. Sharing his birthday musicians Meat Loaf in 1947 and Shaun Cassidy in 1958.
  • 1777- After British troops won the battle at Brandywine, and showed up in Philadelphia to occupy it, members of the Continental Congress kept the new government active. Fleeing the city meant moving the capital- this move made Lancaster Pennsylvania famously our capital for just one day.
  • 1779- Congress appointed John Adams to negotiate peace with the British. Read more about his appointment and role as minister plenipotentiary.
  • 1938- President Roosevelt writes Adolf Hitler asking for peace. I found this gem on the UC Santa Barbara website. I find it interesting how he is clearly stating no political involvement in Europe and will "assume no obligations in the conduct of the present negotiations," but feels it necessary as a good neighbor.
  • 1954- The Tonight Show, hosted by Steve Allen, premiered on NBC. It's still-running, hosted by Jimmy Fallon. I vividly recall when Jay Leno took over for Johnny Carson, who I grew up watching. If you want the detailed history and to see all the hosts in order, click here. Want four decades of Carson? Click here.
  • 1964- The iconic and original Beach Boys headlined the season premiere of the uber-popular Ed Sullivan Show. What did they sing? "I Get Around" and "Wendy." What's your favorite Beach Boys song? I'm going with either Good Vibrations or California Girls.
  • 1965- Silent screen actress Clara Bow passes away at age 60. She was known as the "It girl" for decades. Also passing away on September 27th: famous publisher of Playboy, Hugh Hefner in 2017 and in 2023, Michael Gambon, well-known in his later years for his role as Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films.
  • 1985- Remember when Zsa Zsa Gabor slapped that police officer in the 80s? On this day in 1985, she stormed out of the courtroom. OMG, if only we had TMZ and social media back then, right?

Courthouse, Colonial Williamsburg

History happens daily.

It's a fact. Every day, any day... history happens. Not everything will be recorded as a massive and major event, but someone somewhere will be impacted by actions taken on any given day.

Take care and take notice. Today, it's Hurricane Helene making news in 2024 and as I write this post in the early morning hours, I pray for those on the path.

Closing words from history.

An invitation to Thomas Jefferson to celebrate with the Marquis de Lafayette on his return tour in the United States. For the source, click here. Side note: the anniversary of Jefferson's 1789 appointment by Washington as Secretary of State was yesterday, September 26th and he left for France on the 28th.

To Thomas Jefferson from Robert G Scott, 27 September 1824

Richmond September 27th 1824


By invitation from the Volunteer Companies of the state, General La Fayette will meet them and their fellow Citizens at york town on the 19th day of October next, there to Commemorate the Signal Success of the Combined American and French Troops over the English forces at that Spot, and to manifest the gratefull rememberance in which the services of this friend to human liberty and rights are held by the people of Virginia. The absence from this festive and joyous Service of one who bore so conspicious and invaluable a part in the events of the revolution as you did, would excite the deepest regret—I am therefore charged by the delegation recently assembled at york with the agreeable duty, (which I now perform with alacrity) to invite you to meet General La Fayette and the Citizens and Military Corps of the State at that place, on the day already mentioned.

I am with sentiments of profound Respect your Obedient Servant

Robert G. Scott

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There is a huge practical disclaimer to the content on this blog, which is my way of sharing my excitement and basically journaling online.

1) I am not a historian nor an expert. I will let you know I’m relaying the information as I understand and interpret it. The employees of Colonial Williamsburg base their presentations, work, and responses on historical documents and mainly primary sources.

2) I will update for accuracy as history is constant learning. If you have a question about accuracy, please ask me! I will get the answer from the best source I can find.

3) Photo credit to me, Daphne Reznik, for all photos in this post, unless otherwise credited! All photos are personal photos taken in public access locations or with specific permission.