September 7th: From the 1776 Naval Attack to 2003's Farm Aid 16

September 7th: From the 1776 Naval Attack to 2003's Farm Aid 16

Sep 06, 2023

Just for fun~ dropping in another entry to "stuff that happened" on this day in history.

Let's continue to celebrate ALL the fantastic events and moments in American history that took place over the years.

There is so much to learn, see, and explore so it's my hope sharing some tidbits in a bullet-point list, will give you inspiration and maybe someday help you out. You never know!

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Orlando Jones House on Duke of Gloucester Street Williamsburg Virginia

The Orlando Jones House, Colonial Williamsburg

Historical snapshot of September 7th, hobby-blogger style, using bullet points, as always!

  • 1776- The first naval attack in a submarine was launched by The American Turtle.
  • 1813- The Uncle Sam nickname is born, attributed to a meat-packer and supplier for troops during the War of 1812.
  • 1921- The first Miss America pageant was held. It took place in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
  • 1936- Music legend Buddy Holly was born. He shares his birthdate with Julie Kavner, whose voice is heard as "Marge" on The Simpsons- born in 1950 and Shannon Elizabeth, famous for her hilarious role in American Pie- born in 1973.
  • 1939- Francis Duke published an updated archaeological report on the Orlando Jones property in Colonial Williamsburg's (CW's) historic area, which was undergoing active reconstruction due to the support of John D. Rockefeller. You can read the report here! (Orlando Jones was Martha Dandridge Custis Washington's grandfather and owner of a townhome on the Duke of Gloucester Street in CW).
  • 1943- A bit from the Golden Age of Hollywood: Orson Welles married Rita Hayworth.
  • 1996- Tupac Shakur was shot, passing less than a week later.
  • 2003- The Farm Aid 16 concert was held in Columbus Ohio. The first one was held on September 22, 1985. Get the details Farm Aid here --both Bob Dylan's and Willie Nelson's legacy lives on.

What else happened? Let's hear it.

Please share your September 7th "historic" events in the comments.

Since yesterday, September 6th, was the Marquis de Lafayette's birthday, I'm dropping an ode to him--- clearly George Washington had strong faith in Lafayette's opinions of others.

From George Washington to Captain La Touche-Tréville, 19 May 1780

To Captain La Touche-Tréville

Morris Town May 19t[h] 1780


I have the pleasure to transmit you a packet which was inclosed to me by the Marquis De La Fayette.1 He informs me that it contains permission for you to make a short cruise,2 The Marquis has inspired me with an opinion of your character from several details with which he has favoured me that gives me the fullest assurance you will do every thing in your power to merit success and I shall be particularly happy to hear you have met with it. The interest with which He speaks of you upon all occasions is an additional motive to those sentiments of perfect consideration with which I have the honor to be Sir Your most Obedient & humble servant.

(Get the full citation here)

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There is a huge practical disclaimer to the content on this blog, which is my way of sharing my excitement and basically journaling online.

1) I am not a historian nor an expert. I will let you know I’m relaying the information as I understand and interpret it. The employees of Colonial Williamsburg base their presentations, work, and responses on historical documents and mainly primary sources.

2) I will update for accuracy as history is constant learning. If you have a question about accuracy, please ask me! I will get the answer from the best source I can find.

3) Photo credit to me, Daphne Reznik, for all photos in this post, unless otherwise credited! All photos are personal photos taken in public access locations or with specific permission.